- Project Number:
- CP 074-024-002
- Contract Number:
- 242402
- Other Project Numbers:
- Project Description:
- Construction Location:
- CSAH 8 (CSAH 77 to CSAH 12)
- City or Township:
- Bid Opening:
- 04/23/2024 10:00 AM
- Expected Award Date:
- 05/14/2024
- Project Start Date:
- 05/20/2024
- Construction Start Date:
- 05/20/2024
- Construction End Date:
- 09/20/2024
- Work Type:
- Mill and Overlay
- Project Type:
- Road and Street
- Highest Funding Level:
- Local
- DBE Project:
- No
Sealed electronic bids for the contract listed below will be received by the Board of County Commissioners of Steele County, Minnesota, until 10:00 AM on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, through Steele County’s online electronic bid system (bidVAULT). At that time, the bids will be electronically opened, read publicly at the Steele County Highway Department, Steele County Public Works Building, 3000 Hoffman Drive NW, Owatonna, Minnesota 55060, and results posted online at https://mn-co-steele.app.rtvision.com/oneoffice/bidding.
ONLY REGISTERED PLANHOLDERS WILL BE ALLOWED TO BID PROJECT. To become a registered plan holder and to bid electronically, you must create an account at: https://connex.uccs.com. Complete digital project documents are available for download at https://mn-co-steele.app.rtvision.com/oneoffice/bidding. There is no cost to register or download the Project Plans and Proposal documents. Project bidding documents may be examined at the Steele County Highway Department, Steele County Public Works Building, 3000 Hoffman Drive NW, Owatonna, Minnesota 55060.
BIDS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED BY SUBMITTING AN ELECTRONIC BID USING BIDVAULT at https://bidvault.mn.uccs.com. NO HARD COPY BIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Instructions on submitting a bid electronically can be found on the bidVAULT website. The cost to submit a bid is $25.
Bids must be accompanied by a corporate surety bond made in favor of Steele County. Upon execution of the Contract, bid bonds will be returned to the unsuccessful bidders within 30 days of the opening of the bids.
The Steele County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive defects.
For questions, contact Paul Sponholz, Assistant County Engineer, at 507-444-7672 or paul.sponholz@steelecountymn.gov.
Published on:
Steele County website: www.steelecountymn.gov
Minnesota Construction eAdvertising website: https://eadvert.rtvision.com/
Project Major Items:
Number | Item | Units | Quantity |
2118.509/00060 | AGGREGATE SURFACING CLASS 5 MOD | TON | 383.00 |
2118.509/74000 | AGGREGATE SURFACING CLASS 1(B) | TON | 7,664.00 |
2232.504/00120 | MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (3.0") | S Y | 64,505.00 |
2360.509/22200 | TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (2,B) | TON | 14,578.00 |
2582.503/10104 | 4" SOLID LINE PAINT | L F | 23,682.00 |
2582.503/10106 | 6" SOLID LINE PAINT | L F | 54,867.00 |
2582.503/10204 | 4" BROKEN LINE PAINT | L F | 4,146.00 |