- Project Number:
- SAP 021-608-021 & SAP 021-608-022
- Contract Number:
- 2024-1
- Other Project Numbers:
- Project Description:
- CSAH 8 Grading & Guardrail Improvements
- Construction Location:
- CSAH 8 between I-94 & CSAH 40
- City or Township:
- Bid Opening:
- 04/10/2024 1:59 PM
- Expected Award Date:
- 04/16/2024
- Project Start Date:
- 05/28/2024
- Construction Start Date:
- 05/28/2024
- Construction End Date:
- 08/30/2024
- Work Type:
- Grading
- Project Type:
- Road and Street
- Highest Funding Level:
- State
- DBE Project:
- No
Notice is hereby given that SEALED BIDS will be received by the Board of County Commissioners at the Douglas County Auditor/Treasurer Office at the Douglas County Administration Building, 821 Cedar St, Alexandria, Minnesota, 56308, until 1:00 pm, April 10, 2024 for Grading & Aggregate Base and Guardrail Improvements on SAP 021-608-021 (CSAH 8).
Plans, Proposals and Specifications may be examined and obtained at Douglas County Public Works located at 526 Willow Drive, P.O. Box 398, Alexandria, Minnesota, 56308. Requests for Plans, Proposals and Specifications must be accompanied by a Check, Draft or Money Order made payable to Douglas County. The price is $50.00 per set which includes Sales Tax. Plans and Specifications are also available at no cost on Douglas County’s web site: https://mn-co-douglas.app.rtvision.com/
Bids must be accompanied by a Bidder’s Bond or a Certified Check in an amount equal to at least 5% of the total bid made payable to Douglas County. Bids must be sealed and shall be clearly marked “SAP 021-608-021”.
Douglas County reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities thereof.
Dated at Alexandria, Minnesota, this 15th day of March 2024.
Vicki L. Doehling
County Auditor/Treasurer
Douglas County, Minnesota