- Project Number:
- SP 001-605-016
- Contract Number:
- 20241
- Other Project Numbers:
- SP 001-605-016: 0516
- Project Description:
- Bridge Replacement over Willow River on CSAH 5
- Construction Location:
- City or Township:
- Bid Opening:
- 12/04/2023 2:00 PM
- Expected Award Date:
- 12/12/2023
- Project Start Date:
- 12/18/2023
- Construction Start Date:
- 12/19/2023
- Construction End Date:
- 10/04/2024
- Work Type:
- Bridge
- Project Type:
- Bridges
- Highest Funding Level:
- Federal
- DBE Project:
- Yes
County Highway Project
Aitkin, Minnesota
CLOSING DATE: Monday, December 4, 2023
Sealed bids will be received until 2:00 PM on Monday, December 4, 2023, at the office of John Welle, Aitkin County Engineer - 1211 Air Park Drive, Aitkin, MN for the construction projects listed below. Proposals will be opened and read publicly at the Office of the County Engineer immediately after the hour set for receiving bids.
PROJECT NUMBER: SP 001-605-016
TYPE OF WORK: Bridge Replacement over Willow River on CSAH 5
The full project ad can be viewed at www.eadvert.dot.state.mn.us or at www.co.aitkin.mn.us by following the Highway Construction link.
The County reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities thereof.
John Welle
Aitkin County Engineer
Project Major Items:
Number | Item | Units | Quantity |
2401.508/00011 | REINFORCEMENT BARS (EPOXY COATED) | LB | 76,270.00 |
2401.518 | BRIDGE SLAB CONCRETE (3YHPC-M) | S F | 4,405.00 |
2402.508/00010 | STRUCTURAL STEEL (3306) | LB | 640.00 |
2452.503 | C-I-P CONCRETE PILING 12" | L F | 880.00 |
2452.503 | C-I-P CONCRETE PILING 16" | L F | 920.00 |
2563.601/00010 | TRAFFIC CONTROL | LS | 1.00 |
2573.503/00023 | SILT FENCE, TYPE MS | L F | 1,640.00 |
2575.501/00020 | TURF ESTABLISHMENT | LS | 1.00 |